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School Holiday Fun and Funds!

By September 28, 2022 No Comments

School Holidays.

The young ones have been waiting for this day for roughly 10 weeks, but as a parent, grandparent or caregiver, the next few weeks might have you juggling the daily OOSH drop-off and pick-up, or trying to manage the increasing volume levels in the house, all while bracing yourself for the never-ending – what’s for dinner?!

If you’re in a position where you can be at home for the holidays, you might have already planned a short break, visits to family or some fun activities, but for all the planning in the world, sometimes we can be surprised to find we’ve come up short funds and the kids have blown through all the activities you had planned already – now what?

If you are short on plans, there is plenty of inspiration to be drawn on from local parenting or school groups, or you might even look to the attractions in your neighbourhood.

A great place to start looking for low or no-cost activities is your local council’s website – where you can usually find a list of local community events that are run through the holidays and supported by the local council.

These activities can include fun things to do like arts and crafts, sports and activities, competitions, festivals, fetes and fares, and most of the advertised activities will usually be local, accessible by public transport, and are usually very low to no cost activities suited for families living in the area.

Cinemas Depending on your local provider, they may offer discounted rates for the school holidays for students, children and parents. You can budget this further by bringing your own snacks and drinks, or having a nice meal beforehand

Shopping Centres If your child is primary school aged, often local shopping centres run craft days where they can paint moulded plaster or enter colouring-in competitions, or if you’re lucky enough to be near a big shopping centre, they might have booked entertainment such as live performances, or even petting zoos!

Leisure centres If you have a local leisure centre, now is the perfect time to take advantage! As the weather warms up in Australia, check out the website of your local pool or leisure centre to see what’s on this school holidays – often they will have education events for swimming and water safety, or may run watersports events like polo!

If there isn’t much going on in your local area and you have the means to travel, you might consider checking what’s happening in a different community, so if you’re from the city, you might be interested in what events are happening on the coast, and if you’re on the coast you might be interested in the events they’re running in the suburban or city areas.

While these might be great options for some, they don’t suit every family or every budget.

If you already have an idea in mind but you’re just short on funds to get it done, consider a School Holiday Loan with Fundo, so you can plan now, and pay later!

However, if you choose to make memories this school holidays, don’t let lack of funds get in the way!


What can I use a Holiday Loan for?

You can use a holiday loan to cover the expenses of booking travel and accommodation, activities, events and entertainment, clothing, and other general holiday expenses like insurance and other fees

What factors do I need to consider before taking out a School Holiday Loan?

You should always consider whether you really need a loan and if the loan type you have selected is right for you considering the fees, loan term, repayment options and method of funding.

How do School Holiday Loans work?

A Fundo loan for School Holidays is usually repaid within 5 to 20 weeks and deposited right into your bank account. There are no hidden fees and charges, we’re upfront and you can always check the status of your loan in your dashboard – you might even find that you are eligible for a discount if you choose to pay out early.

Is it okay to take out a loan for a vacation?

Yes! Fundo can approve loans for travel, vacation, holidays, and more.

A Vacation is a once in a while type of expense and not something that you’d be doing every week – if you have been planning for a while, you might have saved up enough money to cover all your expenses while you’re on vacation, but if you’re just a bit short, or have only recently decided to go on a vacay and the countdown is getting closer, you might need a little bit of help to have the vacation of your dreams!

How much can I borrow for a School Holiday Loan?

Fundo is able to approve loans from a teeny tiny $300 loan all the way up to a $2000 loan.

What is the application process to apply and get approved for a $2,000 loan online?

Our application process is all online and incredibly quick—around 3 minutes to complete. Fill out all your details on the application form and one of your friendly Fundo team members will assess your application. Best of all, applications submitted during business hours will be processed on the same day. We are also able to tell you whether you’ve been accepted almost immediately. Once approval has been confirmed, we can transfer your funds to you within 5 minutes!

What if I am a low-income earner?

As long as you are earning $500 per week, and your sole income source is not from government benefits, Fundo is able to approve a loan! Your application will still be subject to all of the same approval criteria, and if you are concerned about your credit history or your credit score – consider a no check loan with Fundo!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the Blog are for general informational and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.  The views reflected in the commentary are subject to change at any time without notice.

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