What Type Of Loans Are Best If I Need Cash Instantly?
Same day funds up to $5,000
Same day funds up to $5,000
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed money immediately but encountered difficulty getting a cash loan from traditional lenders due to lengthy and complicated processes? It can all be time-consuming, frustrating, and still fail to provide a solution at the end of it.
Fundo takes the hassle out of borrowing money for those in need of a cash loan so that you're not left with a pile of paperwork and forms to fill out. Instead, we ask for just a few basic details about you and your income before sending you a near-instant decision. Under the right conditions, we can arrange for a cash loan to be delivered in as little as an hour, so you don't have to wait much longer once you’ve been approved.
If you need a cash loan instantly, there are a few different types of loans you may consider:
It is important to carefully compare the terms and fees of different loan options before you decide which one is best for you.
At Fundo, we have made it our mission to streamline the application process for our clients who are looking for a cash loan. In addition to lightning-fast funding, we also provide flexible terms for making repayments because we understand that life can be unpredictable. We want to provide a helping hand when it’s needed most.
Online loans may offer a faster approval process compared to traditional lenders, such as banks or credit unions. This is because online lenders often have a streamlined application process and may not require as much documentation as traditional lenders.
However, it is important to note that the speed of approval for an online cash loan can vary depending on the lender you are working with and your personal circumstances. Some online lenders may be able to approve your loan and disburse the funds within a few hours, while others may take longer to process your application.
Fundo has a simple and quick online application and approval procedure for each of our short term loans, so you don’t have to worry about long waits. To apply, all you need is to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, be eighteen years old or older, and have a steady source of income from work. If you qualify for a loan through us, you can get your answer and your money in swift fashion.
Once you've already applied for one of our loans, the process will get even simpler and more streamlined going forwards. Our 3-Click Apply system allows existing clients searching for a cash loan to apply for new loans in just three clicks. If you need a quick loan and live in Australia, you don’t need to look any further than Fundo.
We’ve introduced the Fundo Credit Scoring system, which is our way of rewarding healthy financial behaviour from our borrowers. The higher your score, the better your chances are of getting your next loan application approved.
You can view it through our interactive self-service dashboard and boost your scores by paying on time, writing reviews, and referring your friends. You can even receive rewards for your friends’ successful repayments.
We also publish blog articles on financial wellness, so you can learn all about the best practises for finding education loans for your tuition, wedding loans for your special day, or even emergency loans.
Fundo has twenty-four seven application processes, which means if you’ve been searching for a cash loan, you can submit an application at any time, including on weekends. That way, even when applications are submitted close to the end of the day or after hours, you can still get your result on the next business day.
If everything is in order, meaning that you’ve sent your application and meet the requirements, your request for a cash loan may be approved, and you may even receive your money within the same day.
If you have any questions regarding your cash loan application, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly Sydney-based team of borrowing experts via telephone, email, or live chat.
In many cases, unless we tell you otherwise, you don’t need a credit check to access a small or medium cash loan from Fundo. You can borrow anywhere between $500 to $5,000 without consenting to a formal check of your credit history. Fundo uses its own criteria and credit scoring to figure out if a small loan is suitable for you and your situation.
Is a cash loan the same as a personal loan?
In some fundamental ways - as we as a lender give you cash upfront to be paid back with interest - yes. But in other ways, such as big loan amounts and long loan terms (5 or more years) as well as being backed by a security or collateral, they aren’t the same. A personal loan may take days or weeks to get approval, as well as require a formal credit check. A small cash loan by Fundo can be approved within three minutes, with the cash hitting your account within sixty seconds.
Yes, we think that everyone has an opportunity to get a second chance at finance through Fundo. That also includes folks with lower credit scores. We look at your current finances and income; we don't penalise you for what you may or may not have done in the past.
But don't panic if you have a default on your file; we may still be able to assist you, depending on the circumstances. We may authorise loans for some candidates with black marks on their credit history, depending on the cause for the mark and when it occurred. As a responsible lender, we consider more than just your formal credit history when evaluating applications. Fundo uses its own scoring algorithm to determine whether you qualify for a fast cash loan.
However, there are still situations where requests are denied. If you are bankrupt, have a Part IX debt arrangement or a Part X personal insolvency agreement, have defaulted on short-term loans, or have a very negative credit history, it’s more likely than not your application will be rejected.
The Fundo dashboard is an easy to use dashboard to apply for loans, check on your repayment progress, and to see your Fundo credit score. All you have to do is enter your basic personal information, banking details, and any other financial data we might ask for, such as evidence of income or employment. You can access your secure dashboard 24/7 - and if you ever need help email us at hello@fundo.com.au or call us on 1800 161 391 between 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on Saturdays or 9am-1pm on Sundays (AEST.)
Most traditional lenders will only consider income as that from formal employment. Fundo views income as any source of funds from an external source, being self-employment, Centrelink, pensions, superannuation, Veterans’ Affairs, etc. If you can prove you gain $500 per week through some means, you are usually eligible for a cash loan. If you’re unsure, email us or call us during our office hours.
We use the latest financial technology to evaluate eligibility for a loan. Once you have understood the terms and agree to the loan agreement, we can have your funds transferred to your account within sixty seconds. You will need to have a PayID (also known as Osko) account enabled - but most major and even minor banking institutions such as credit unions in Australia use PayID as a matter of course.
Depending on your circumstances, repayment plan, and amount borrowed, interest, fees, and charges may vary. Interest rates can also be affected by the Reserve Bank official cash rate, which is set every month. Be sure to check our latest rates and charges on our home page to get a general idea of what you may be paying back.
You can use a cash loan for anything that requires immediate and unavoidable payment. This could be a mechanic’s bill, car body repair work, emergency surgery or dental work, urgent travel expenses, PC or Mac repair, whitegood repair or replacement, paediatric expenses, insurance excesses, rental bonds, sureties, and pretty much anything you like - the cash is yours to use as you see fit.
Yes - fast cash loans may be repaid at any moment without incurring additional costs. This is an excellent strategy to save money on monthly fees and stay on top of your loan payments if you are able to pay more each month. If you pay off your loan early, you will have to pay the whole establishment fee. Not only does this save you bundles in interest, it also improves your Fundo credit score, which grants you heaps of perks and incentives for being a responsible borrower!
Yes - and that’s paying less in interest. A shorter loan term means your payments are spread out across fewer instalments, which attracts less interest than spreading them out across more instalments. However, you’ll still have to pay the establishment fee across all installments, and monthly fees are capped at a proportion of the entire loan, usually 48%. Since you are paying fewer instalments, the dollar amount will be higher. Ensure you can keep up with these repayment terms, as you will be penalised for late or missed repayments
Disclaimer: This article is strictly for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. At any time, any commentary views are subject to change without notice.
Increase your Fundo Credit Score to boost your chance of getting approved on your next loan.
Loan amount from $500 to $2000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 6
20% establishment fee and a flat
4% monthly fee4
Loan amount from $2001 to $5000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 2 years
$400 establishment fee, interest at
47.80% p.a. (comparison rate 66.58% p.a.)5
4 Fees are based on loan principal advanced.
5 The comparison rate is specific to a $2,500 loan over a two-year term with a $400 establishment fee and fortnightly repayments. Any deviation in loan amount, term, or additional fees and charges can result in a different comparison rate, and the given comparison rate only applies to the presented example.
6 The example assumes timely repayment as per the loan agreement, or additional fees and charges may apply.
¹As soon as you sign your contract and if all other requirements have been met, we instantly send the funds to your nominated bank account. If your bank works with the New Payments Platform (NPP), most customers see funds in their account within 60 seconds. If your bank is not NPP enabled, or it is a weekend or a public holiday, the funds are usually received by the next business day. Fundo cannot guarantee that loan funds will be received within 60 seconds
²Applying for a loan with Fundo usually takes about 3 minutes. However, this time can change based on a few things, such as your typing speed, the device you're using, and whether you have all the necessary information ready to go.
³As the approval process is influenced by various external factors, we can't guarantee that you'll receive a decision on the same day. However, most of our customers do receive a same-day response to their application with Fundo, if they submit their loan application and all the requested supporting information by 4pm Sydney time during a regular business day.
We typically respond within 2 min or sooner.