What Are The Best Loans To Get For Emergencies?
Same day funds up to $5,000
Same day funds up to $5,000
Perhaps you’re someone in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane who’s been frantically searching terms such as ‘instant cash loans online 24/7 Australia’ and maybe even ‘I need money desperately Australia’ on the web. In that case, you’re most likely someone who’s dealing with unexpected expenses and is now in need of a reliable and convenient lending service you can leverage from the comfort of your own home.
What’s great is that you’ve just found a potential place to get short-term personal loans, as you’ve just landed at Fundo, a lender that gives Australians a chance to sort out their emergency expenses through online and streamlined processes. With our unique financing, you can have a responsible alternative to instant payday loans, 24/7 payday loans, 24 hour loans for bad credit, and other similar offers.
Rest assured that we are committed to understanding your specific financial situation. Moreover, if you qualify for our short-term loans, you can also experience a wide range of advantages exclusive to Fundo. So when you’re ready to get the ball rolling, feel free to browse our intuitive platform and reach out to our expert team!
Whether you’re keen on topics like ‘instant cash loans online 24/7 Australia’ or perhaps even ‘instant cash loans no credit check’, it’s important to note that the best loans for emergencies would be ones that cater to your needs. This might include family/friend loans, pawn shop loans, or quick personal loans.
You might’ve tried searching for terms like ‘instant cash loans online 24/7 Australia’ or ‘cash loan instant approval’ but were left lost and confused due to all of the different terms and conditions. We at Fundo understand how frustrating this can be, especially if you're trying to cover unexpected expenses as soon as possible. As such, we pride ourselves on having short-term cash loans that are completely transparent.
Through our online platform, you can easily apply for a principal balance of $500 to $2,000 with a repayment period of up to 180 days. Once you have submitted the application, our expert team will assess your situation to determine if you qualify. Our decision will be influenced not just by your credit score but by a variety of other factors, including your debt-to-income ratio and your ability to repay.
What’s more, we’ll give approved applicants an exclusive Fundo Credit Score, which is our unique credit scoring system. Simply exhibit positive borrowing behaviour, such as making timely repayments, referring friends, and leaving reviews, to get a higher rating and a better chance at getting a future quick fast loan from Fundo.
If you’re someone who’s been interested in topics like ‘instant cash loans online 24/7 Australia’ or ‘emergency cash loans 24/7 Australia’, you should know that different lenders have varying policies when it comes to negotiable repayment terms.
At Fundo, you’ll be pleased to know that you don’t have to go through this time-consuming back-and-forth if you get approved for one of our easy cash loans. Have peace of mind knowing that during the assessment process, our expert team already accounted for a suitable repayment schedule that would work well with your lifestyle.
Additionally, we’ll also give you access to a self-service dashboard where you can make repayments and even reschedule them in case unforeseen circumstances arise. So get started, find out if you qualify for our personal loan service, and potentially leave behind your search for ‘instant cash loans online 24/7 Australia’ today.
To be eligible for our offers, you must be:
Need a teeny, tiny loan up to $2,000? Apply now!
No - a secured loan is a loan where an asset (something of value) is placed against the loan as collateral or backing in case you are unable to pay it back. A home mortgage or car loan are examples of secured loans - a bank or lender has the right to repossess the home or vehicle if you fall behind on payments, though usually only after extreme circumstances.
The security or collateral offsets some of the risk on the lender’s part. If you go to a pawnbroker, they may provide you a loan if you have something of equal or greater value to hold as collateral. The downside is, your asset or possession may be at risk of repossession.
An instant cash loan from Fundo isn’t secured - known as an unsecured loan - which does unfortunately mean higher fees and/or interest rates compared with secured loans of the same amount and terms, but it also means you can be approved quickly without asset tests or risking any of your belongings.
Yes - if you can demonstrate regular income from Centrelink, NDIS, Veterans Affairs, or other government pension, you may qualify for an instant cash loan. We assess whether you are eligible using our secure 24/7 Fundo dashboard by asking a few questions about your financial situation.
Yes - we believe everyone has a chance at finance through Fundo. That also means people who don’t have the best credit score. We look at what your finances and income looks like right now - we don’t penalise you for what you may (or may have not!) done in the past. Don’t stress about a credit check either - Fundo uses its own scoring system to see if you qualify for an instant cash loan!
At Fundo, we reward good borrowers with a higher Fundo credit score - and it’s completely separate from your “real” credit score held by credit reporting institutions. If you pay back your loan on time and in full, your credit score goes up, unlocking great perks and benefits. You can take a look at how the Fundo credit score works in detail here.
From application to having the funds hit your bank account - if you are approved - you can expect the entire process to take about three minutes. In fact, you can be done and dusted within three clicks!
There’s no waiting around at Fundo for a small cash loan; when we say it’s instant, we mean it!
First, we’ll need your name and address, as well as a telephone number and email address. We’ll also ask you questions about your current income and expenses situation - you don’t have to be accurate down to the dollar, a close round figure will be fine. We may also ask you about your employment history or income source to ensure you are eligible for an instant cash loan. When approved, we’ll also need your bank account details.
Just remember that honesty is your best policy - we want to help you as much as we can, but we need accurate information about your current financial situation.
Note: we may ask you for a credit check as part of your assessment. Don’t panic - we can only conduct a formal credit check with your express consent.
Disclaimer: Unless explicitly advised otherwise, the details and accompanying figures on this web page should only be taken for informational and entertainment purposes. Please note that the opinions or recommendations written here can be updated at any time without prior notice and must not be used as personalised financial advice for your specific situation. For this type of assistance, we strongly suggest that you research money management services and receive instructions from professionals in this field.
Increase your Fundo Credit Score to boost your chance of getting approved on your next loan.
Loan amount from $500 to $2000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 6
20% establishment fee and a flat
4% monthly fee4
Loan amount from $2001 to $5000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 2 years
$400 establishment fee, interest at
47.80% p.a. (comparison rate 66.58% p.a.)5
4 Fees are based on loan principal advanced.
5 The comparison rate is specific to a $2,500 loan over a two-year term with a $400 establishment fee and fortnightly repayments. Any deviation in loan amount, term, or additional fees and charges can result in a different comparison rate, and the given comparison rate only applies to the presented example.
6 The example assumes timely repayment as per the loan agreement, or additional fees and charges may apply.
¹As soon as you sign your contract and if all other requirements have been met, we instantly send the funds to your nominated bank account. If your bank works with the New Payments Platform (NPP), most customers see funds in their account within 60 seconds. If your bank is not NPP enabled, or it is a weekend or a public holiday, the funds are usually received by the next business day. Fundo cannot guarantee that loan funds will be received within 60 seconds
²Applying for a loan with Fundo usually takes about 3 minutes. However, this time can change based on a few things, such as your typing speed, the device you're using, and whether you have all the necessary information ready to go.
³As the approval process is influenced by various external factors, we can't guarantee that you'll receive a decision on the same day. However, most of our customers do receive a same-day response to their application with Fundo, if they submit their loan application and all the requested supporting information by 4pm Sydney time during a regular business day.
We typically respond within 2 min or sooner.