What Should I Be Mindful Of About No Credit Check Loans?
Same day funds up to $5,000
Same day funds up to $5,000
When you have a not-so-stellar credit score, getting approved for a loan for those unexpected one-off expenses may seem impossible. You may search for ‘loans Australia no credit check’ and other related queries online, unaware that better options are available.
At Fundo, we understand how difficult it can be to find loans when you don’t have the best credit scores and how challenging it can be to repair your credit. We offer a wide range of short-term loans designed for individuals with less-than-ideal credit scores in mind. From quick and seamless loan applications to developing your financial literacy, Fundo is here to help.
If you’ve searched for ‘loans Australia no credit check’ or ‘no credit check fast loans’ online, you’d understand that there are lenders who offer quick approval loans with no credit checks to individuals with little to no credit history or poor credit scores. However, this may come at a cost.
They often offer their ‘no credit check loans’, such as payday loans, with high interest rates or may request you sign over collateral if you miss a repayment period or default on your loan. Moreover, you must be mindful of any hidden fees that could be slipped into no-credit-check loans through technical or legal language.
When you apply for any Fundo loan, like our emergency loans, you don’t have to worry about hidden fees or unreasonable lending conditions. Whenever you apply for a Fundo loan, we ensure you can make each repayment without putting yourself in a financial crisis, and every fee is listed in the loan breakdown we send you after your loan has been approved.
We are also committed to informing you about your financial well-being through our interactive self-service dashboard and helping you develop sound financial habits.
If you found a loan with no credit checks by searching for ‘loans Australia no credit check’ online, chances are that it would be easy to apply for. No credit check loans typically have very minimal requirements for qualifying. As part of the application process, they will likely ask for general information about you and, sometimes, a list of assets for collateral. The application process may seem straightforward, but these loans typically come with caveats.
Trust in Fundo instead of searching for ‘loans Australia no credit check’ and other types of no credit check loans. Our loan application process is fast and seamless, but there are no hidden fees, nor do we blindside you with technical jargon.
At Fundo, as responsible lenders, credit checks are part of the loan application process, but they are not the only factor considered. To qualify, you must:
Instead of searching for ‘loans Australia no credit check’ online, talk to us at Fundo today and figure out how we can help you. From personal loans to our education loans, let’s find the short-term loan that suits your financial needs.
Some alternative lenders that offer no credit check loans may allow unemployed people to apply so long as they have some kind of collateral that they can offer; however, this can result in the person falling into a debt cycle.
At Fundo, while we don’t accept any loan applications that cannot provide suitable proof of income, we understand that people may have complex financial backgrounds. We encourage you to contact us and explain your situation better, so we can find a suitable arrangement for you.
As responsible lenders, we don’t conduct ‘loans Australia no credit check’ or other similar no credit check loans. Even so, we consider other factors besides your credit score or history when processing your loan application. We examine the reason and timing if you have a bad credit score or can’t provide proof of income.
For example, if you’re a seasonal or irregular worker, we could find suitable loan options that consider your financial situation. Fundo doesn’t automatically reject applications without consideration.
However, applicants are less likely to get approved for same day loans if borrowing money from us puts them in a financial bind.
You can submit your application online at any time, anywhere, 24/7. Enter how much money you would like to borrow and fill out a general information sheet, which will only take you a few minutes. If necessary, we may contact you to provide additional documentation or to clarify information.
Whether you’re looking for something like ‘loans Australia no credit check’ or other similar bad credit fast loans, Fundo provides more than just quick loans.
Apply for your teeny tiny today!
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise specified, this article is purely for informational and entertainment purposes and does not provide financial advice or recommendations. We reserve the right to change our views or information without prior notice.
Increase your Fundo Credit Score to boost your chance of getting approved on your next loan.
Loan amount from $500 to $2000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 6
20% establishment fee and a flat
4% monthly fee4
Loan amount from $2001 to $5000
Minimum 91+ days to maximum 2 years
$400 establishment fee, interest at
47.80% p.a. (comparison rate 66.58% p.a.)5
4 Fees are based on loan principal advanced.
5 The comparison rate is specific to a $2,500 loan over a two-year term with a $400 establishment fee and fortnightly repayments. Any deviation in loan amount, term, or additional fees and charges can result in a different comparison rate, and the given comparison rate only applies to the presented example.
6 The example assumes timely repayment as per the loan agreement, or additional fees and charges may apply.
¹As soon as you sign your contract and if all other requirements have been met, we instantly send the funds to your nominated bank account. If your bank works with the New Payments Platform (NPP), most customers see funds in their account within 60 seconds. If your bank is not NPP enabled, or it is a weekend or a public holiday, the funds are usually received by the next business day. Fundo cannot guarantee that loan funds will be received within 60 seconds
²Applying for a loan with Fundo usually takes about 3 minutes. However, this time can change based on a few things, such as your typing speed, the device you're using, and whether you have all the necessary information ready to go.
³As the approval process is influenced by various external factors, we can't guarantee that you'll receive a decision on the same day. However, most of our customers do receive a same-day response to their application with Fundo, if they submit their loan application and all the requested supporting information by 4pm Sydney time during a regular business day.
We typically respond within 2 min or sooner.